Explore the resources below to learn how to introduce students to artificial intelligence as a component of a K-12 computer science education program. Along with a strong computer science education program, all teachers can learn how to teach with and about artificial intelligence.
Read this Education Week Article about some suggestions for how schools and teachers should approach AI through the lens of equity and ethics.
"Educators should examine the data and design processes that AI tools rely on to make sure they haven’t been skewed by any kind of bias. In interviews with Education Week, ed-tech experts talked about why now is the time for a broader conversation about bias in AI."
The CSForNY Coalition is producing a draft alignment between AI literacy standards and the K-12 Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards, which includes:
CSForNY State Summit sessions on AI ethics, literacy, and how to teach computer science and AI together.
The AI4K12 initiative is developing (1) national guidelines for AI education for K-12, (2) an online, curated resource Directory to facilitate AI instruction, and (3) a community of practitioners, researchers, resource and tool developers focused on the AI for K-12 audience. Visit their resource page here.
The AI Education Project (aiEDU) is a non-profit devoted to making sure that all students are ready to live, work, and thrive in a world where AI is everywhere. We work with education systems to advance AI literacy and AI readiness through high quality curriculum, professional development, and strategic partnerships with states, school districts, and other systems.
Kode5 is an experiment in streaming lessons that require no teacher training, experience, special resources or cost. An expert virtual Co-Teacher and Quick Prep guide are available for any classroom teacher. Using the best in free online puzzles and activities.
All the resources you need in one place! Explore our curriculum offerings, professional learning courses, and video series designed for you and your students.
Explore Google's Guide to AI in Education and toolkits to upskill your teachers and school administrators on how to use AI and teach about AI in schools.
ISTE has resources for educators to become comfortable teaching with and about artificial intelligence. ISTE is the global leader in supporting schools in thoughtfully, safely and responsibly introducing AI in ways that enhance learning and empower students and teachers.
GenerationAI is a groundbreaking educational movement designed to empower K-12 educators with the knowledge, tools, and confidence to safely and responsibly capture the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the classroom. We aim to create a hub of innovation and creativity that supports transformational learning.
Explore resources and courses on how to use artificial intelligence (AI) for educational purposes with Microsoft.
TeachAI helps to empower educators to teach with an about AI. TeachAI developed an AI Guidance for Schools Toolkit and provides guidance on school, district, and state policy regarding artificial intelligence.
Copyright © 2023 CSForNY - All Rights Reserved.
CSForNY is a project of the Computer Science Teachers Association NYC Chapter (CSTA NYC), which operates through a group exemption with the Computer Science Teachers Association's 501c(3) nonprofit status (EIN: 84-2927798).
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